HOT GOSSIP: The Garden Party
I am only just getting around to journaling our latest HOT GOSSIP WOMEN IN BUSINESS EVENT which took place last wed 15th June.
This was a particularly special event as we had 3 very special guest speakers. Speakers who shared invaluable advice on efficient working, stress management, tackling day to day problems and objectives, how to navigate social media and how to keep pushing through regardless of what we face on a day to day basis. It was really inspirational.
I love bringing super strong, kind, determined, fierce, supportive, loyal and genuine women together, who through their shared experiences can support and nurture one another.
Being a bad ass business woman isn't easy. Finding a balance between standing up for yourself and your business V being cut throat and ruthless is a tough choice at times when building, creating and sustaining a business. Nobody gets it right 100% of the time. Owning our mistakes is a huge part of what we share at HOT GOSSIP. I haven't always handled things well ... but I own that and it allows me to move forward to LEARN and to focus on my strengths and knowledge.
We talked a lot about investing in credibility and not being scared to OWN WHAT WE KNOW. This can be misconstrued as arrogance but if you are coming from a place of authenticity and education then we know that the message will always transcend.
Offering support isn't always easy when we are struggling ourselves, but a problem shared is a problem halved, and we have been able to provide so many solutions and platforms for out HOT GOSSIP GIRLS to expand, enrich and to grow. I am so proud of the collective efforts of the most loyal supporters who keep putting themselves out there, time and time again... ultimately to learn and to grow as humans.
It is such a powerful setting for sharing. We have heard some of the most intimate and personal stories from our girls, and their bravery and determination is just inspiring. There are a lot of us who have no financial stability or huge pots of money to work with, and there are some HOT GOSSIP GIRLS like me that are really on their own with no partner to support us. It really is ALL down to us. But strength comes in numbers, as does love, and kindness and friendship. I am determined that I will support as many women as I can within my capacity to do so. It's who I am, what this is about and it is 100% worth it every time as tiring as it can be.. Even back in my 20's when I first started this, I knew there was a real value to true connections.
I often get asked, why the name HOT GOSSIP... when actually the name is the antithesis of what this is all about. A direct use of the words to get people talking was the thought behind the name. Rebecca Lindley (guest speaker) shared the same thought process with her business disruptive focus. HOT GOSSIP ...It's just the name... not the focus, but will be synonymous with support, connection, friendships, focus and inspiration.
As HOT GOSSIP has been self funded for the past 12 months, I am now taking a step back to add value and structure to this business. The past 12 months have been the perfect proving ground ... we absolutely know this works, and when we come together it is magical. It is time now for April and I to move this to the next level. April is a true asset to this venture with a stealth background in project management she has the perfect skill set to help me create something much bigger.
Stay tuned on our FB page @HGhebden and for any more info on how to get involved in the next exciting chapter please email us directly at
Love to you all ladies! Back soon x
